
Blogs are used not only for posting your personal views but also for earning money these days. I am trying to post information on blogging right from what it is to how to become an expert blogger. This page contains information all about blogging.

Fundamentals of a Blog

A blog is a website created by an individual or a group of people to convey their views in the form of an article on a particular topic of interest. Posting, updating,and maintaining articles in a blog is termed as Blogging. A Blogger is one who creates and maintains a blog. Some bloggers write about their personal experiences in their blog whereas others write about anything that interests them. For example, a blog can be on an individual's experience on a vacation to a favorite place or it can be about the latest gadget that has come to the market. A blog can contain any number of posts and they are arranged in chronological order displaying the latest blog on the top and the oldest at the bottom of the page.

To know more about blogs, click here.



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