What is

This page contains definitions or simple explanations of terms that are frequently used among the people. The explanations you find here will be simple and easy to understand but do not contain a comprehensive explanation of what it is. However the information presented here would help you to understand what it is all about and involve yourself in conversations on these topics. 

What is Earned Value Management (EVM)?

 Managing a project or a program to success is as difficult as managing a life with two wives. However, both of these can be managed with ease by proper planning and execution. In addition to planning and execution, tracking the progress of a project plays a pivotal role in managing the project. You must have heard Project Managers screaming like:
  • 40 percent of my projects are overbudget
  • I am not able to track many projects at a time
  • I can't track projects with these complicated WBSs
  • My boss asks for status of my projects frequently
  • All my current projects are behind the schedule
All these issues can be sorted and solved if the projects are planned, executed, and tracked in an organized manner. EVM plays an important role in tracking a project's progress.
To know more about EVM, click here.

What is Bloom's taxonomy?

Hierarchy of levels in Cognitive domain
The synonym for taxonomy is classification. In 1956, Benjamin Bloom and a committee of educators defined a classification of learning objectives for effective learning. Bloom's taxomomy finds its application while designing the learning objectives or designing the curriculum and while assessing the students understanding. According to Bloom, learning objectives can be classified under three domains: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor. In this post, I have discussed the different levels of the Cognitive domain.

To know more about Bloom's Taxonomy, click here.

What is Gagne's nine events of instruction?

Teaching or creating learning materials is an art. Becoming an expert in this art is not a cake walk but can be acheived by implementing organized systematic approach to training. One such approach was designed by Gagne in 1965. In his book, "The conditions of learning" Gagne presented the nine events of instruction popularly known as Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction.

To learn Gagne's nine events of instruction, click here.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the the delivery of services such as computing or storage space to a heterogeneous group of end users. The services offered by the providers are of three models: Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). You can access the applications in the cloud using a browser, desktop application or a mobile application.
To know more about Cloud Computing, click here.

What is ADDIE model?

Phases of the ADDIE Model
ADDIE model
is an instructional design process used by Instructional designers and course content developers to create online and instrucor led course materials. ADDIE is the acronym formed using the five phases of the ADDIE model process. The five phases are Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The output of one phase acts as the input for the next phase. More ID models are created based on ADDIE model for content development.

To know more about ADDIE model, click here.


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